Whenever anybody plans to move to other country either for doing higher education or for employment opportunities, they have to present their all of India originated documents there and that too with Attested educational documents. Attestation process provides that seal that the specific documents are Pro and can be shown in front of foreign officials.
Certificate Attestation is referred to as legalization and authentication of educational documents and it is required in the following cases:-
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+91 8700 770 603
The procedure of attestation consists of 3 steps. This can be further understand via following -
1. State Attestation
State attestation needs to be done before MEA attestation and in this; specific educational document will be attested from State Educational Department of the respective state from where it is issued.
2. MEA Attestation
Attestation of document from Ministry of External Affairs or Apostille can be done only after document gets attested from respective state regulatory.
3. Embassy Attestation
Embassy attestation from the concerned embassy based in New Delhi will be done at the end and after MEA attestation.
We at Pro Attestation Services can help you out in this context by rendering quality and reliable attestation services keeping your original documents safe and secure with us. We are backed with a team of young and talented professionals who are fully knowledgeable about the process of educational document attestation process and thus provide satisfactory services.